Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finally FISH

well after a week of wanting some of Stans great fried fish we finally had it last nite and it was great. Thanks Stan. remember last week he took the kids fishing and Sabre caught the 6lb bass well yesterday she caught  a 6lb catfish and a string of lil bass but we told her since her 1st big fish last week had to go on the wall we were dang if anotherone was going there too a nasty catfish on the wall is just not something I want in my house so she decided he could cook it and it was awesome. I will post pictures of it a lil later I am off to walmart to get pic done of the pond and Robs place for Uncle Spence. See Rob lived in a house that overlooked the ponds and a couple years ago it burned and Rob too so Uncle Spence had a camp built in the same spot and named it Rob's Place in memory of Rob and is going to use it for family gatherings and cookouts. I made pic of the new camp and of the pond I am framing them in a collage to hang in the camp for Uncle Spence. he will love it