Tuesday, February 10, 2009


 This is to my BJ, who lost his papaw on Sunday of this week. I am sorry you had to loose both your papaws with in 10 months of each other. I know how bad it hurts from when I lost mine in 05 at the age of 100 he lived a great life but I wasn't ready to loose him and I know you were not ready to loose yours. We never know what God has in store for us. You lost a papaw but because of this you were reunited with you wonderful Uncle Paul. I pray for you to continue to pursue your relationship with him  and as for  your daddy well God will take care of him too. Just know that as your mom I will always love you and I will be there to listen, talk, laugh, and cry with you. I can't stand to see you hurt and I know right now you are and there is absolutley nothing I can do but just to let you know I love You my meatball